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  • Q Are you a manufacturer?

    A Yes, we are manufacturer, and we produce Stepper Motor& Stepper Motor Driver,  Switching Power supply, Short Cycle Press Line and CNC Machine Tools.
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    A To operate within the range between the pull-in and pullout regions, the stepper motor must initially start in the start/stop region. The pulse rate is then progressively increased until the desired speed is achieved. Conversely, to stop the stepper motor, the speed is gradually reduced until it falls below the pull-in torque curve.

    Torque is directly proportional to the current flowing through the stepper motor windings and the number of wire turns. If there is a need to increase the torque by 20%, it is advisable to raise the current by approximately 20%. Similarly, if a decrease in torque by 50% is desired, reducing the current by 50% would be appropriate.

    However, it is important to consider magnetic saturation, as exceeding 2 times the rated current does not yield any additional increase in torque. Beyond this point, further increasing the current will not provide any benefit. Moreover, pushing the current to around 10 times the rated value carries the risk of demagnetizing the rotor.

    All our stepper motors are equipped with Class B insulation, which can withstand temperatures up to 130°C before the insulation starts to degrade. To maintain safe operating conditions, it is recommended to maintain a temperature differential of 30°, ensuring that the motor case does not exceed 100°C.

    The inductance of the stepper motor has an impact on high-speed torque performance. Inductance arises from the inherent characteristics of the stepper motor windings, comprising a combination of inductance and resistance. The ratio of inductance in henrys to resistance in ohms yields a value expressed in seconds. This value represents the time constant, indicating how long it takes for the coil to charge up to 63% of its rated value. For example, if the stepper motor is rated for 1 amp, after 1 time constant, the coil will reach approximately 0.63 amps. After approximately 4 or 5 time constants, the coil will charge up to 1 amp. Since torque is directly proportional to current, if the current is only charged up to 63%, the motor will exhibit approximately 63% of its maximum torque after 1 time constant.

    At lower speeds, the stepper motor operates without any significant issues. The current can flow in and out of the coils at a sufficient pace, allowing the stepper motor to generate its rated torque. However, as the speed increases, a challenge arises. The current is unable to enter the coils quickly enough before the next phase is switched. As a result, the torque output of the stepper motor is diminished.

    The voltage supplied by the driver significantly influences the high-speed performance of the stepper motor. A higher ratio of drive voltage to motor voltage leads to improved performance at high speeds. When operating with higher voltages, the current is forced into the motor windings at a faster rate compared to the 63% mentioned earlier.
  • Q What maintenance is required for stepper motors?

    A Stepper motors generally require minimal maintenance. Regular inspection for any signs of wear, cleaning, and lubrication of necessary components are recommended. Additionally, ensuring proper power supply and protecting the motors from excessive loads or overheating can help prolong their lifespan and ensure reliable operation.
  • Q Do stepper motors require additional feedback devices?

    A Unlike servo motors, stepper motors do not require additional feedback devices for position control. They operate in an open-loop configuration, simplifying the system and reducing costs. However, in certain applications that demand enhanced accuracy or real-time feedback, encoders or sensors can be used in conjunction with stepper motors.
  • Q Can stepper motors operate in harsh environments?

    A Yes, stepper motors are capable of operating in harsh environments. However, it's important to choose motors specifically designed for such conditions and take appropriate measures to protect them from dust, moisture, extreme temperatures, and other environmental factors.
  • Q Are stepper motors suitable for high-speed applications?

    A While stepper motors are known for their precise control, they are generally not the best choice for high-speed applications. However, with appropriate design considerations and the right motor specifications, they can still be used effectively in certain high-speed applications.
  • Q What applications are stepper motors commonly used in?

    A Stepper motors find applications in various industries, including robotics, automation, medical equipment, 3D printers, CNC machines, surveillance systems, and consumer electronics.
  • Q Are you a Switching Power Supply manufacturer?

    A Yes, we are the Switching power supply manufacturer.
  • Q What are the common challenges faced when using a short cycle press line?


    Some common challenges include maintaining consistent product quality, optimizing cycle times for maximum efficiency, handling different material types and sizes, and ensuring proper maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. Regular monitoring, training, and process refinement can help address these challenges effectively.

    In conclusion, short cycle press lines are a valuable asset in the manufacturing industry, offering faster production cycles, cost savings, and improved product quality. By understanding their components, advantages, applications, and implementation considerations, manufacturers can leverage these press lines to enhance their productivity and competitiveness. Embracing optimization tips and keeping an eye on future trends will further drive efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing processes.

  • Q How long does it take to set up a short cycle press line?

    A The setup time for a short cycle press line depends on various factors, including the complexity of the production process, customization requirements, and the availability of equipment. Typically, the setup process can range from a few weeks to several months.
  • Q Are you a stepper motor manufacturer?

    A Yes,We're a stepper Motor manufacturer.
  • Q Are there any potential drawbacks to using switching power supplies?


    Switching power supplies can introduce switching noise and electromagnetic interference. They also require careful design considerations and expertise, making the design process more complex compared to linear power supplies.

  • Q Is training required to operate CNC machines?

    A Yes, operators need proper training to operate CNC machines effectively. Training programs cover machine operation, programming, safety protocols, and maintenance procedures.
  • Q Are short cycle press lines suitable for small-scale manufacturing?


    Short cycle press lines can be beneficial for both large-scale and small-scale manufacturing. They offer efficiency and cost savings regardless of the production volume. However, the specific requirements and investment costs should be evaluated based on the scale of operations.


  • Q Can switching power supplies handle both AC and DC inputs?


    Yes, switching power supplies can be designed to handle both AC and DC inputs. AC input power supplies typically include an input rectifier and filter, while DC input power supplies skip the rectification stage.

  • Q Can CNC machines be retrofitted onto existing manual machines?


    In many cases, manual machines can be retrofitted with CNC controls and components, allowing them to be upgraded to CNC machines.

  • Q Where is your factory?

    A Changzhou city, Jiangsu Province, China near Shanghai. Welcome to visit our factory!
  • Q Can a short cycle press line handle different materials?


    Yes, short cycle press lines can be adapted to handle various materials, including wood, plastics, metals, and composites. The press tools and parameters can be adjusted to accommodate different material characteristics.

  • Q How to select models?

    A Before purchasing, please contact us to confirm model No. and drawings to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • Q How do I choose the right switching power supply for my project?


    Consider factors such as power requirements, efficiency, protections, EMI/EMC compliance, and cost. Consult with power supply manufacturers or experts to select the most suitable power supply for your project.

Cosda Automation is a manufacturer of a wide variety of automatic products.



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